Preeti Shah
6 min readJan 23, 2021


11 Steps to Create Bestselling Digital Info Product

Do you love to share your knowledge with a large number of people? But you do not know how to do it. In this article, you will learn how to do it. You will learn how to create an info product that keeps selling even after many years of its creation.


Digital info products have a huge market. Despite so much free knowledge available on the internet, people still buy them to create a better version of them.

Hence info products are here to stay. You can create them once and sell them multiple times. You can choose any market according to your expertise. It also gives you the freedom to choose your working hours.

Let us discuss a tested and easy to follow 12 step process to create a successful info product even if you have never built one before.

Step #1: Choose a Niche

Choose the market for which you will create an info product.

Select your niche based on three factors:

· Interest

· Experience

· Market demand

Your interest and experience in your niche may not be much, but you cannot ignore the market demand. There should be a need for your product in the market. Also, your product must solve a problem for which the market is looking for a solution.

It will be easy for you to create a product if you have interest and experience in your chosen niche. Otherwise, you have to research and acquire knowledge before its creation. It may take some time but, it is not impossible to do.

Everyone has quality. Analyze what you are good at, and then choose your niche.

Step #2: Select an Idea

Now you have to find the idea for your product.

What is an idea?

It is a solution your audience is looking for a problem to make their life better.

So, find the problem. Provide a solution that will make their life better. This problem is the idea of your product.

Step #3: Check Your Idea

You cannot create the product immediately after finding the idea. Analyze whether your idea is profitable or not. There should be a need for your product in the market.

Take feedback from the people by asking questions. You can do this by creating a poll, writing a blog, or social media post.

A few questions you can ask are:

· Do you struggle with [problem]?

· Do you want a better way to do [problem]?

· How likely will you purchase a product that solves [problem]?

You can also run an ad for your target audience and ask them some questions.

It will not cost you much and save you time. You will not end up working on the wrong idea.

Step #4: Choose Your Audience

Every product has a specific target market.

If you create a product for everyone, it will not sell.

For example,

· There is bath soap for dry skin.

· There is bath soap for oily skin.

· There is bath soap for combination skin.

· There is bath soap for sensitive skin.

· There is ayurvedic bath soap.

There is no single soap for everyone.

So, know your audience before product creation. You will create a better and specific product if you know their problems. You will achieve great results.

Step #5: Choose the Format

You can create info products in a variety of formats.

For example,

· Ebooks

· Audio and Video courses

· Webinars

· Live online courses

· Mastermind sessions

Everyone’s preference is different. People may prefer to read, listen, or watch and learn.

A few may be interested in a one-to-one session with a coach. And, some prefer getting trained in an offline environment.

So, pick the right format keeping in mind your product idea and target audience preferences.

Also, take into consideration the cost of your product. Price it reasonably so that your audience can purchase it.

You can start with the Ebook format as there is no cost involved in its production. You can sell it at a lower price, grow your customer base, and gather testimonials. After this, you can create video courses that require some investment.

#6: Research Your Topic

Now after completing all the above steps, start working on your product. Even if you have ample knowledge about the topic, research it.

Doing research is necessary because you will:

· Know about the information already present in the market in the form of ebooks and blog posts.

· Know the approach followed by the established writers.

· Become aware of a new strategy or method that you do not know.

· Be able to organize information in a better way.

· Know about the gaps that you can fill with your knowledge.

Your customers will trust you and buy your product. You must provide relevant information that will be helpful to them.

So, learn and do proper research about the topic.

#7: Create the Outline

Now put down all your ideas on to the paper. Create an outline for your product.

Here are a few steps you need to follow:

· How will you introduce the topic?

· What will be the sequence of your topic?

· How will you decide your chapters?

· How will you end your information?

Do not write all the details. Write only the headings and sub-headings.

#8: Transfer Your Knowledge

Now write down whatever knowledge you have on a notepad or document. Do not think about the order. Do not elaborate. Only note down all the points that strike your mind at this moment.

When no more ideas strike your mind, close down the document. Take a break. Come back after some time.

Read the document. Do not delete anything. Check whether there is scope to add new information. If yes, then add it.

Again take a break and come back later.

Repeat this process a couple of times.

Write all the examples and stories you want to include. It will make your product valuable to your customers.

Step #9: Organise the Information

Organize the points and check for repeated information. Delete it. Now the list is ready.

Create a new document. Create the first section and copy the points that fit into it.

Repeat this process for each section.

Do some research and add the missing information in that section.

Check till you are satisfied with the outlined information.

Step #10: Write Your First Draft

After creating the outline, expand the points. Support your point with examples and stories.

Focus only on writing at this stage.

Do not edit or delete anything.

Work in installments. Take regular breaks to keep you fresh and avoid repetitions.

Keep moving forward. But do not hurry. You cannot create a valuable product overnight. Your first draft may take several days to complete.

Step #11: Edit

Now your first draft is ready. Edit it. But before editing, read your entire draft aloud to check the flow. It should be natural. If the flow is not smooth at some point, mark it for editing.

Also, check the facts and figures for their correctness if you want to position yourself as an expert.

Include only the required information. Delete the information that is not needed.

Do not write a textbook. Use real-life examples and stories to make it enjoyable to read. It will make your product easy to understand and value to your readers’ lives.

Here are a few things you can include to make your product better:

· Add checklists and notes at the end of each lesson.

· Include illustrations. They will make concepts easy to understand.

· Include templates and worksheets to implement learnings.

· Provide email support to help them progress in their learnings.

Your ultimate goal is to create a valuable product. Include bonuses to boost sales.


Your product that will help your readers is now ready for them to buy. Now you can plan your launch and promotion.

Share your feedback below.

